I share a compass to live a remarkable life, not because of material or outer success, but to cultivate presence and courage in the face of personal challenges and societal unrest.


what people are saying

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  • When this order arrived, I opened it up right away to see the cards. They are truly a work of art, and provide some stimulating thoughts. I love all things shaman. These cards literally made my hands warm. The artwork is stunning and the advices given in the book are thorough and inspiring. Very happy with my purchase.

  • I love love love these cards!!!

    They are gorgeous! The card stock is really nice, it feels really silky. The included guide book is a wonderful reference. It has an overview and then a meaning for if the card is right side up or upside down.

    The little bit that I’ve worked with this deck, it has given me goosebumps it is so on point. It’s very complex as well as being simple if that makes sense. It’s easy to understand at first then there are so many layers to explore.

  • There is so much incredible detail and energy to this deck. Even the presentation when you open the box is mindblowing. You can feel the care and love put into every single facet of this deck. The artwork is amazing. The guide book is larger and sturdy, and opening it and reading about a card every day deserves a larger sturdy book!

    I am having so much fun learning and working with this deck. I love this so much. I find this deck to be very direct and honest, like an ancient one speaking directly to my soul, telling me the messages I need to hear, in a way that I can hear it. This collaboration with Marcela and Alberto is a tremendous gift, their expertise comes through, and I can only say wonderful things about this deck! Everyone could use this deck!

    V. POPE
    V. POPE

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