When the exterior landscape has the power to favorably impact our inner world, it is worth considering it as a place of pilgrimage. For many years, Marcela and Alberto have carefully chosen destinations to facilitate a profound transformation for groups and individuals.

This time our journey is to Eleusis, Delphi, and Delos, where we revive some of the most interesting and transformative mysteries of ancient Greece. Storytelling, ceremonies, sacred medicine, nature walks, and meditation are ingredients in our daily practices.

In Eleusis, we contemplate the inevitable decent to the underworld for renewal. In Delphi, we ask the deep questions of the soul. In Delos, we weave the wisdom of the past into the tapestry of a more enlightened future.

We follow the footsteps of the ancient seekers who searched for the meaning of life, inquired into the journey beyond death, and sought revelations from Gods in caves, oracles, and temples of Gnosis.

Imagine all of this draped over the portal of Equinox, amplifying the epic proportions of this adventure, indeed.

If you feel called to be part of this intimate group of mystical travelers, please see what we have crafted and conjured day-by-day for our Mystery, Myth and Muses pilgrimage.

DAY 1:
Sunday, October 06

We launch this once-in-a-lifetime journey with a late afternoon meditative circumambulation of the Acropolis. We invite the area’s sacredness and timelessness to dance within, as we crystallize our personal and collective “why” for this cherished odyssey.

After, we enjoy a group dinner at a picturesque restaurant with an inspiring view of the Acropolis. Our “arrival” day is a wonderful opportunity to meet your kindred spirit-travelers, share intentions and begin the sublime process of re-empowering the mystical rites of ancient Greece.

(*Lodging on own. The welcome dinner is included.)

DAY 2:
Monday, October 07

Morning meeting in Athens for our private bus departure, symbolically retracing the pilgrimage parade to Eleusis, home of the archeological site where the Eleusinian Mysteries once took place. Here we delve into the cult of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone, who returned to the underworld every year at this autumnal time. Ponder the rituals, secrecy, and mythic meaning of the ceremonies of Eleusis and how this influenced the Greek psyche and beyond.

After lunch, we continue to Arachova and settle into our lodging for three nights. The early evening brings us to a sacred theatre activation and an embodied experience of the cycles of life, death, afterlife, and the central theme of celebratory dissolution in the Eleusinian Mysteries.

O/N Arachova

DAY 3:
Tuesday, October 08

The morning starts at the Corycian Cave located on the southern slopes of Mount Parnassus. The cave is named for the nature spirits and the nymph Corycia, and is regarded as the primary place of worship of Pan, the god of the wild, and is considered a ritual home of Dionysus.

After feeling into the subtle vibrations of the cave, we hike approximately four hours on the ancient pilgrim’s trail to the sanctuary of Delphi. This is more than a scenic walk through forests and ravines: our procession symbolizes the dynamic between wilderness and civilization -- the transition of chaos to order! Every step morphs into a lived, integrated prayer and a weaving of past, present and future. (For those who choose not to hike, alternate transportation to Delphi will be arranged.)

Our efforts and sacrifices open the portals to more expansively discover the oracular myth and magic of Delphi and to “Know Thyself”.

Drive back to our lodging after Delphi. Evening sharing circle.

O/N Arachova

DAY 4:
Wednesday, October 09

We take personal space in the morning for quiet contemplation and self-care.

Then, expanding upon our experiences in Eleusis and Delphi, we imbibe in the wisdom of plant elixirs. This is an immersive, meditative journey of transcendence and immanence. Alchemizing our lifetimes of insight, we expand in the realms of muses and magnificence, healing and wholeness, purification and prayer, truth and transformation, bounty and bliss.

O/N Arachova

DAY 5:
Thursday, October 10

Retracing our path back to Athens by bus, we board the ferry to Mykonos. Upon arrival, we settle into our island hotel, where we spend three nights. After check-in, there is time to explore the charming shops and restaurants in town, the area of Little Venice, the iconic windmills, or to stroll along the beach and the crystalline waters. Bathe in beauty!

O/N Mykonos

DAY 6:
Friday, October 11

Hailed as “the most sacred of all islands”, Delos is a treasure trove of temples, ruins, sanctuaries and breathtaking land- and seascapes. This uninhabited island and UNESCO World Heritage Site is reached with a short boat crossing from Mykonos. We continue our ritualized group processes and then embark on a vision quest of Gnosis. Delos is regarded as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, and holds a vibration of fascination and intrigue.

O/N Mykonos

DAY 7:
Saturday, October 12

Equinox is 09:49 a.m. today. We sanctify this point of perfect balance when the Earth crosses the threshold of seasons. Equal parts light and dark, this is a time to face outward as well as turn inward, and a most auspicious moment to dive even deeper into the mind-shifting practices of ancient Greece. We celebrate Equinox in medicine space and prayer.

O/N Mykonos

DAY 8:
Sunday, October 13

Like any good story, the ending comes … but as initiates of the great mystery, we honor all the new beginnings bound to unfurl. With full hearts and clear vision, we hold our closing circle and send wishes for blessed onward journeys.

(Guests return to Athens, continue their holiday on Mykonos or travel farther on to other islands.)


Important Note:
This immersion will fill fast as there are only 12 spaces total available for participants. Please inquire directly for additional registration and logistical details.