Both, the Medicine Wheel and the hero’s journey are circular, and in this book I turn them in parallel motion like two wheels joined by an axis. As we go around, I share my personal story and the stories of others to clearly illustrate how each step affects our psyche, creating substantial ripples in our lives. As you read, you are invited to recognize when and how you have been in each landscape and to reflect on where you are now. At the end, I hope that you are able to identify what psychic, emotional, and spiritual milestones you have already realized. Then, moving forward, you will begin to see what dangers loom around you and what opportunities you must claim and not miss.
Another point I want to highlight before diving into our heroic journey has to do with the idea of the extraordinary. Let’s not forget, I am offering you a compass to live a remarkable life, not because of material or outer success, but for the ability to cultivate presence and courage in the face of challenges and deception. Likewise, I expose notions and personal experiences that are not relatable from a linear and reductionist mind-set; it takes a level of openness and sensibility to perceive the world beyond appearances. My story discloses an initiation to a spiritual path and some of the events I narrate are indeed outside the conventional world. I also give plenty of examples of other people crossing the fine veils between the visible ordinary and the invisible extraordinary.

“In challenging times, it is a gift when a teacher appears to lead us back into the light after we have been walking the hero’s journey. This requires someone who knows the path and has lived it, not just studied it. In Awakening Your Inner Shaman, Marcela Lobos brilliantly shares her personal story of initiation and how she stepped into the woman of power she is now. Her journey illuminates an incredible map that will guide you into the truth of who you are and your unique gifts and destiny. “Alongside her stories of bravery and exquisite growth, she leads us step-by-step into transforming our dark night of the soul into an amazing journey of healing. This book is so timely and important for all of us awakening to the truth of our soul.”
— Sandra Ingerman, MA
Renowned shamanic teacher and award-winning author of 12 books, including Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony

“This beautifully written and profound mystical memoir is a delight for all seekers on all paths. Read it and be inspired to discover the purpose and meaning of your own amazing life.”
— Andrew Harvey
Author of The Hope and co-author with Carolyn Baker of Radical Regeneration

“Marcela Lobos takes the reader on a profound journey from the mundane to the extraordinary, providing 13 archetypal milestones that will transform, empower, and open up a new dimension of fulfillment that causes us to become masters of our own lives.”
— Anita Moorjani
New York Times best-selling author of Dying to Be Me and What if This Is Heaven?

“Follow Marcela Lobos’s riveting, courageous story as she weaves her hero’s journey with the Medicine Wheel to create a unique and thrilling map that leads from despair to daring. In the pages of this inspiring book, we accompany Marcela through her extraordinary, authentic shamanic initiation to becoming a Medicine Woman. She offers us hope that the abundance and magic we seek is hidden in plain sight all around us—and this book will show you how to find it. I couldn’t put it down!”
— Colette Baron-Reid
Internationally acclaimed oracle expert, intuitive, and best-selling author of The Map

“What you hold in your hands is like a sacred talisman that offers protection on the spiritual path. Awakening Your Inner Shaman is Marcela Lobos’s quest to discover wisdom and meaning when facing her dark shadows, despair, and suffering. She weaves the insights of the hero’s journey together with the Medicine Wheel teachings to offer you portals to profound realizations of truth. Take Marcela’s teachings with you on your spiritual journey to discover your own courage and strength!”.
— Matteo Pistono
Meditation teacher and author of In the Shadow of the Buddha and Meditation: Coming to Know Your Mind
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